DuPage County Board Chairman Dan Cronin announced plans to close DuPage County administrative offices on Wednesday, Jan. 30 due to dangerously cold temperatures forecasted for the region. The DuPage Care Center and Jail will operate on their normal schedules, but all other County offices will be closed. DuPage County Public Works administrative offices in Woodridge will also be closed. On Thursday, Jan. 31, DuPage County Administrative Offices will reopen at 9:30 a.m.
According to an order from the Chief Judge, the 18th Judicial Circuit and all divisions thereof, including Field Courts, will be closed on Wednesday, Jan. 30 and Thursday, Jan. 31, except for 8 a.m. Bond Court, which will be held in Courtroom 1000 both mornings. There will be no Bond Court at 4 p.m. on Jan. 30 or 31. All cases set for those days will be continued to a date set by the judge.
DuPage County Court Contact Information: Joan Olson (630) 407-6015 or Evan Shields (630) 407-6022